
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

As a Common Man/Women...

As a common man/women in India, we discuss/talk so many things with our friends or surrounding people. We criticize our government for almost everything, our system, our infrastructure, our education, our healthcare etc. Of course the list never ends. Our criticism never ends, of course as there are so many issues or problem. We criticize daily some or other thing.  

How many of us would have taken the next step to analyze the problems? What simple things we can do in our day to day life to solve those problems.  Let us be the one person in 10 lakhs people. How can we constructively discuss the problems and the solution with our family/friends/like minded people/colleagues/children/offices, to come to a common agreement to implement few things in our own environment (homes,offices,our near and dear people)? 

Surely we may need to face the initial resistance from all our surroundings including our family/friends. We may hear demotivating words/actions from our near and dear as well as surrounding people. For most of us, we stop here itself. 

Whenever we try to change something, we may need to face some initial resistance. Resistance comes from so many people and for so many reasons.  We need to understand the underlying reason behind the resistance and try to address the core reason behind the resistance. If we succeed in this step, we are almost 50% done with the change. The remaining 50% should be in  properly implementing the change, educating and motivating the people, looking for continuous improvement and continuous improvement.

Let us list some of the major challenges our country faces:
  1. Food Crisis
  2. Water Crisis
  3. Education Crisis
  4. Healthcare - we have Malnutrition babies count, highest in world
  5. Environmental Crisis
  6. Politics Crisis
  7. Electricity Crisis
  8. Natural Resources Crisis
  9. Job Crisis
and many more.

If you look at each of the crisis in the above list, we could find that each of the crisis is directly or indirectly related to the other crisis.  All the crisis are created by us, knowingly or unknowingly. 

To solve each of the above crisis we can do our little bit in our day to day life. Let us see how we can be part of the solution to the above problems. We need to do this, not for any one else, its just for ourselves.  Lets start from now.